1. Purchase orders are accepted along with Payment.
  2. Firm will provide Available (.in/.com) domain name for one year in every package.
  3. Firm will host the website for one year in every package.
  4. Content should be provided at once through email or any other source. Once the data is received no further data will be added. It will attract additional charges.
  5. Any delays at customer’s end may delay the project and proposed time frames and may incur additional costs.
  6. Includes Domain name & Google domain submission.
  7. Sliders images will be provided by the customer, if not it will be designed by the company which will not be editable once made.
  8. Generally Website will be live in 10 working days after all the content is received.
  9. Website will be made in similar design shown to and selected by the customer.
  10. All the minor changes should be mentioned in single mail. No other changes will be acceptable thereafter. It will attract additional charges.
  11. The firm bears no responsibility for the loss of time due to breakdown of server because of International and National ISP’s technical problems and also due to technical snags for reasons beyond our control.
  12. Any urgent tasks will be charged separately.
  13. In case Customer need to cancel the annual renewal, please inform us in writing (email) at least one month prior to the renewal date.
  14. Payment will be 50% advance and rest payment on the website completion.
  15. Design will be finalize only ones then development will be done.
  16. Advance payment received will not be refunded.
  17.  Hosting will remain with the firm. No credentials will be shared with the customer as these are shared hosting.
  18. Customers are required to take backups of their website regularly through admin panel.
  19. Customers are required to take backups of their webmail regularly. Firm will not be liable for any loss of emails.
  20. Add on features are for existing customers only or who have taken any website package. For other customers charges will be different.
  21. It is customer’s responsibility to renew their domain names with us. Expiration of a domain can result in service disruption and loss of domain.
  22. Firm cannot take responsibility for any copyright infringements caused by materials submitted by the customer.
  23. If customer needs to host the website on their account / need source code / reupload of the website Rs.5000 would be charged extra.
  24. Firm’s offers/renewals/products prices may change without any prior notice.
  25. Firm is not responsible for any loss if feature added of third party.
  26. The firm reserves the right to accept or reject any order without assigning any reason thereof.
  27.  Customer shall not be using the firm products or services in any illegal way, firm will not be responsible or liable for any loss.
  28. Any technical change done by costumer results in damage of website will be charge extra by the firm to rectify it.
  29. Id Password will be shared after full payment.
  30. Website Backup is customers responsibility.
  31. Training will be provided to customers in the form video tutorials